Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Almost another month gone by

Been busy with work. Have learnt all sorts of new things. My exercise routine has never been this irregular (yet effective) and different in my life. My resistance programs have traditionally consisted of the same exercises performed week after week, in an effort to increase the weight I could lift. Now, I am being introduced to new concepts in training, including own-body-weight exercises (often more difficult then traditional weight training), balance & coordination, and focusing on working a muscle to fatigue instead of how much weight can be lifted or how many reps can be performed. It's all new and foreign to me... and I'm loving it!

Some of the stuff I've been up to...

1. Gymnastics classes:
  • I climbed a ribbon (technical term for a huge piece of fabric hanging from a high ceiling) for the first time. Did you know there is more than one way to climb a piece of fabric? It's all in how you twist it between your feet.
  • Before I can master going upside down for any reason, I need to learn that I don't always need to see where I'm going and just trust that my body (and gravity) will take me in the right direction.
  • I never realized how much abdominal strength is required to do a handstand - I just thought it was good balance. A good, strong lunge is also required - my homework is to practise these.
2. Leg work:
  • I've been told before I need to strengthen my hamstrings (the guy who told me knew from looking at how I stand - amazing!).
  • At work I have learnt a whole new repertoire of leg exercises, particularly for glutes and hamstrings. I've been experimenting with them on myself.
  • As a result, I am quite stiff and sore today after a leg session yesterday. It's amazing how much you can accomplish in 20 minutes!
  • I have definitely been learning the different between effective exercise vs just plain lots of it. I definitely prefer effectiveness.
3. Going to Manila:
  • We leave this Saturday!
  • I am looking forward to checking out a local gym or two in Manila, just to see if thing are done differently in other countries.
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