Monday, 26 March 2007

Rest Day

Sore. Stiff. Hammies and hip flexors especially. Ouch.

Dan told me this week to not do any training on Friday or Saturday (two days before the big race), not even an aerobics class or gym workout. Wow, that is going to be a different feeling.

It feels odd thinking that this week I am supposed to take it easy, and not due to laziness, but because I am supposed to be the freshest I can be for Sunday. Most of the time if I miss trainings or workouts it's either laziness (e.g. sleeping in, can't be bothered) or busy-ness (e.g. worked late). This week it's all in the plan.

I'm actually looking forward to a week of less training! Heh heh, laziness kicking in slightly already.

The best part: next week I have every incentive to get right back into it because The Great Train Race is only 5 weeks after this race. Last year, after my first race (8km - how short that distance seems in comparison to this coming weekend!) I slacked off big time and it took almost 3 weeks before I got back into things. Not this time!

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Running Group

Running Group met at Freeway Reserve in Mulgrave today for speed work. After yesterday's long run with Katie, today's training session was set to be a killer.

However perhaps I have improved my strength... it actually wasn't too bad. The hammies were already sore after the warm up, but my cardiovascular fitness is definitely improving with each speed work session.

Running Group is going so well, we had 12 people come today, and of those twelve it appears that about 10 are committed to regular attendance, which is fantastic! Of the other two, one is definitely committed to every speed work session, also wonderful.

The warm up exercise is becoming a favourite of mine - we job around the oval in single file, 5m between each person. The person at the back of the line sprints to the front of the line, and every person does that when they are at the back of the line. A great exercise which goes quickly because you're so focussed on staying the right distance behind the person in front of you, and yet it builds a bit of teamwork, being a group exercise.

Interval sprints could have been a killer but Brett only made us do 3 sets.

Hill sprints are probably my least favourite, but again I think I am getting better at these. They are hard work but the results are starting to show already. We did 15 of these (sprint to top, walk down, sprint to top, etc).

We ended with a bit of strength work - push ups, sit ups, squats, calf raises, back extensions, lunging jumps. Each exercise was at a station, jogs between each station, last station was a sprint. We did three sets with a partner. That was fun.

Definitely gonna pay for this one tomorrow, I am sore tonight already!
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