Saturday 21 April 2007

11-12km Run

This was the first of a series of Saturday morning long runs.

An explanation: when training for a race it is common practice to schedule one day a week to do a longer run than normal, and then gradually increase the distance run each week in preparation for a longer distance race.

So James and I have set aside Saturday mornings for the next 4 weeks for our longer training runs. The "half marathon" is just a little longer than a half at 23km, and takes place Sunday 20 May.

Today was supposed to help us ease into things. I don't know the exact distance we ran, which is why I estimated 11-12km. Next week I need to get up earlier and eat breakfast an hour before our run. Today I did it before breakfast... not a good idea as I was pretty hungry within the first 4-5km.

Wednesday 18 April 2007

My First PT Session!

In class tonight, we paired up, interviewed one another to set goals and wrote our first ever PT programs, which we then used to train our partners in a mock PT training session.

It might have been a mock session, but it was a real workout.

Among the exercises my partner lined up for me, my favourite were the push ups with feet on a SB, and chest presses lying on a SB. All in all, we had a great time.

Run with Nyasha

Our first early morning run together. At the Thousand Stairs on Sunday, we agreed to try and meet up once a week.

Those stairs sure can do funny things to your brain.

It was of course dark when we met up but by the time we finished our run, the sun was out. Not sure how much longer that will happen as the days continue to get shorter over the winter season.

Monday 16 April 2007

Resistance Training Workshop

I am loving these workshops, our lecturer is really good. He showed us the exercises and then we got into pairs and went around trying them out together. Fun stuff.

It's still exercise, but the nature of it keeps things interesting, i.e. we weren't officially "working out" as such, but in performing the different exercises we were working.

Sunday 15 April 2007

Thousand Stair Challenge

It's never as bad the second time around. We all went up the stairs twice again, and had a great time. Nyasha did an excellent job, barely stopped on the way up, which is a massive step forward from last time! Taf proved herself a toughie, pushing herself hard all the way up. And this was only her first time! Tendai was a great encouragement to everyone.

We almost didn't go up the second time but on the way down the stairs, met Rehana on her way up the second time and knew we couldn't not do it again and leave her to go by herself!

As for Brett and Dan, well they were playing a whole different ball game. I could tell Dan was about to die physically and yet her mental strength kept pushing her upward and faster. You two are nuts! An inspiration, but nuts all the same.
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