Tuesday 3 July 2007

Almost another month gone by

Been busy with work. Have learnt all sorts of new things. My exercise routine has never been this irregular (yet effective) and different in my life. My resistance programs have traditionally consisted of the same exercises performed week after week, in an effort to increase the weight I could lift. Now, I am being introduced to new concepts in training, including own-body-weight exercises (often more difficult then traditional weight training), balance & coordination, and focusing on working a muscle to fatigue instead of how much weight can be lifted or how many reps can be performed. It's all new and foreign to me... and I'm loving it!

Some of the stuff I've been up to...

1. Gymnastics classes:
  • I climbed a ribbon (technical term for a huge piece of fabric hanging from a high ceiling) for the first time. Did you know there is more than one way to climb a piece of fabric? It's all in how you twist it between your feet.
  • Before I can master going upside down for any reason, I need to learn that I don't always need to see where I'm going and just trust that my body (and gravity) will take me in the right direction.
  • I never realized how much abdominal strength is required to do a handstand - I just thought it was good balance. A good, strong lunge is also required - my homework is to practise these.
2. Leg work:
  • I've been told before I need to strengthen my hamstrings (the guy who told me knew from looking at how I stand - amazing!).
  • At work I have learnt a whole new repertoire of leg exercises, particularly for glutes and hamstrings. I've been experimenting with them on myself.
  • As a result, I am quite stiff and sore today after a leg session yesterday. It's amazing how much you can accomplish in 20 minutes!
  • I have definitely been learning the different between effective exercise vs just plain lots of it. I definitely prefer effectiveness.
3. Going to Manila:
  • We leave this Saturday!
  • I am looking forward to checking out a local gym or two in Manila, just to see if thing are done differently in other countries.

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Since 3 May...

...I have done HEAPS. Ran my first half marathon 20 May, time completed was 2:21:36.2. Read about it here.

Since the half marathon I have been training with my friend Nyasha to prepare her for her first race - the 10km Run to the G. It's this weekend. So I've been running semi-regularly ~ two to three times per week. Nowhere near the same intensity as when I was preparing for the marathon.

Which is probably a good thing. It's sort of a recovery period for me, if you want to look at it from a periodisation point of view. Once I settle into a new routine with work and have all my assignments and exams out of the way I'll be able to re-focus on a new goal.

As for my resistance training, part of my new job has included being trained there "as a client" in order to gain firsthand experience as to what it's like to be a client of each of the trainers. So I've been going in to my local gym only once a week and doing some light stuff, saving myself up for the training sessions so I can go harder there. The sessions I've been doing on my own have been more of a play around, experimenting with all the new exercises i've been learning.

Some new exercises I've found intriguing, challenging, and effective:
- Single leg dead lifts using a Smith machine
- Swiss ball pikes
- L sits
- Working with gymnastics rings

Thursday 3 May 2007

Habit, not Hassle

The ironic thing about keeping a TRAINING bLOG is that if one is busy training, one is likely to not have time to blog. I've probably been busy with neither - more inundated with trying to balance job, study and work experience.

I am probably only training only JUST enough to feel somewhat okay with the thought of running this half marathon (which I have already signed up and paid for so there's no turning back now).

All posts after 8 April are recaps that I am writing up only today. Will work backwards, and if I can't remember beyond a certain day I guess I'll just leave it.

Today I did my normal run. Started raining quite heavily at the halfway mark. I don't know whether this succeeded in speeding me up or if it only served to get me very wet. More than anything, I was concerned about getting my iPod wet!

As I type this, there is one thing about my lifestyle that I have only realized today. Exercise for me is no longer a hassle, it is now a habit. In the past a "bad exercise week" would mean no exercise, typically for at least 2 weeks in a row. Now, a "bad week" is considered only getting out 2-3 times.

I can't wait to be a fully registered PT so I can get alongside others and motivate them to build a healthy habit into their lifestyles.

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Run with Nyasha

The route we ran today was longer than the last one we ran together. I am so proud of Nyasha, this is the third week in a row she's come out running with me.

Sunday 29 April 2007

Circuit Training

I didn't actually participate in the circuit class today but I thought I would make a note of it, as it was Running Group's first ever circuit class. After dinner, my left leg was hurting from yesterday's run, so it's probably a good thing I didn't work my legs out more today.

After the class Dan spotted me for one set of bench presses at 40kg. I struggled to complete 6 reps and Dan says she wasn't helping that much but it certainly felt like she was to me.

Kels and Dan benched a set each with much more ease than I. More reps too. I'll get there... eventually.

Gym Session

Did a one hour weight training session at the gym before heading to church. I usually don't work out on a Sunday morning but this week's been so busy I just didn't get a chance to get in there til this morning. And I really need to keep the weight training up to at least maintain my strength for the upcoming half marathon.

BB Chest press, DB incline close, BB bicep curls, DB bicep curls, SB dips, Tricep pushdowns.

Saturday 28 April 2007

17k run... ouch!

Yes, it was a long one today. And really slow too, took us (James and me) over 2 hours. Considering Run for the Kids took me 1 1/2 hours for 15k, that puts us at a super-slow pace for this one.

Scotchman's Creek Trail, highly recommended by Dan. Thanks, it was beautiful! We ran from Blackburn Rd (near Waverley Private Hospital) along the trail to East Malvern train station and back.

My left adductor or one of my gluteal muscles or something back there was aching a lot even before we hit the halfway mark. Will see how I pull up tomorrow. Lots of stretches are in order, that's for sure.

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Run with Nyasha

Went for a run with Nyasha again this morning. We met later than normal seeing as neither of us had work to get to.

Distance was less this time, but instead we did some hills, including Blackburn Rd hill and Holland Rd hill, both twice. Good job, Nyash!

Anzac Day Casual Run

Went for the usual run with James today. Took it at a mild to moderate pace, probably could have gone harder but knew I'd be going for a second run right after this one.

It's nice running on public holidays - have I mentioned that before? No morning traffic noise and all that.

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Upper Body Weights

I love weights sessions at the gym. But I much prefer daytime to evenings. More space, less equipment being used by others. The evenings don't even make for good socializing time because the aerobics music is typically blasting so loud it's like being in a club... only with weights instead of drinks.

Did my usual half upper body session today - BB bench press, DB incline close, BB bicep curls, DB bicep curls. Threw in some Swiss ball exercises that I learnt last night including the push ups with feet on the SB. Those were difficult! But got a good ab and chest workout from the exercise, for sure!

SB curls, when done properly, hurt like anything! SBs are definitely a great investment of time and money.
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