Sunday 15 April 2007

Thousand Stair Challenge

It's never as bad the second time around. We all went up the stairs twice again, and had a great time. Nyasha did an excellent job, barely stopped on the way up, which is a massive step forward from last time! Taf proved herself a toughie, pushing herself hard all the way up. And this was only her first time! Tendai was a great encouragement to everyone.

We almost didn't go up the second time but on the way down the stairs, met Rehana on her way up the second time and knew we couldn't not do it again and leave her to go by herself!

As for Brett and Dan, well they were playing a whole different ball game. I could tell Dan was about to die physically and yet her mental strength kept pushing her upward and faster. You two are nuts! An inspiration, but nuts all the same.

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