Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Weights Session - starting new program

This week I start my first round of the new weights program. The gym was not as busy as I expected tonight.

The gym instructor told me that in order to achieve my bench press strength goal, I should be using more weight on the bar than I have been up to now and getting someone to spot me, in order to encourage my muscles to adapt to the extra weight and grow stronger.

But what can I say? I am a bit of a scaredy cat. The weights room is often dominated by males and I have a hard time acquainting myself with strangers who are friends of friends, let alone approaching a complete male stranger, panting, sweaty and all, to ask him to spot little me for a set of reps.

So today I benched my usual weight instead of upping it per gym instructor's suggestion, all because I was a scaredy cat. If you go to my gym and I know you, would you consider meeting me once a week in the evening after work at the gym? We could spot for each other... :)

This evening's program:
  • BB bench press - 35kg - 12, 10, 2x7
  • DB bench close - 10kg pair - 8, 2x10
  • EZ bar bicep curls - bar+2.5kg - 3x10 (I tried for bar+5kg, but there was no way I could lift that weight - I've always had relatively weak biceps compared to triceps, is that normal?)
  • DB bicep curls - 15pounds - 3x10, last reps I let DB down as slowly as possible

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