Wednesday 14 March 2007

Slept in, rushed for a run

I overslept half an hour this morning. So I only had just enough time to squeeze in my "usual" run before I had to prepare and head over to work. Actually, I was 5 minutes late to work... which I wouldn't have been if I hadn't slept in!

A usual run for me means going from my house to Burwood Hwy, then doing a big almost rectangular shape route going along Burwood Hwy, Blackburn Rd, Eley Rd, Holland Rd, Fulton Rd, Middleborough Rd, back to Burwood Hwy and home.

Sometimes I do that route backwards - today was one of those days. The two directions have their various advantages and disadvantages in that the hills vary. When doing it backwards I am faced with Holland and Blackburn Hills (not their real names, but my nicknames for them) at the end of my run which helps me training my anaerobic fitness.

It was a good run... I think I might even be getting slightly faster. Anaerobic fitness is definitely improving, for sure.

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