Sunday 18 March 2007

Aerobics Class - HiLo

For those who are wondering, yes I rocked up to church almost 1 hour late so that I could attend this class.

This particular class is taught by a woman who only teaches the Sunday morning classes at my gym. She is not just an aerobics instructor, she also teaches aerobics instructor courses (i.e. she is an aerobics instructor instructor!).

I wanted to check out one of her classes before signing up for an instructor course with her. Unfortunately she was not there, and won't be for the next week or two so I'll have to head back to that class in 2-3 week's time. However I stayed for the class anyway seeing as I was already there.

It was a good class - my fitness level has increased dramatically since I started running... I don't even get out of breath anymore in an aerobics class even when I go as hard as I can. Which is great - it means one day when I am teaching classes I'll be able to go hard and still call out instructions without being out of breath.

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