Monday 19 March 2007

Weights Session before work

I started work a little later today - 10am. So it gave me time to head into the gym for a quick 30min session.

Upper body:
  • BB bench press - 35kg - 12, 11, 9. My reps are up, I'm pretty happy about that. If I have another good session next time, I think I'll be able to up my weight without a spotter.
  • DB incline bench close - 2x10kg - 3x10. Think I need to up my weight here for sure, try 12.5kg next time
  • EZ bar bicep curls - 15.5kg - 3x6. These are really hard. My biceps are so weak!
  • Didn't have time to do DB bicep curls. Ran out of time, didn't want to be late for work.
  • SB curls, feet against wall - 3x16
  • Incline sit ups - 3x10
  • SB leg raises - 1x10 - no time to do the other two sets

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