Saturday 24 March 2007

Finally feel ready for R4K! (sort of)

Katie and I went for a long run this evening. Dan told me that if I can do 12km then I will definitely be fine for 15km. So tonight we ran 12km, or thereabouts.

I am now the proud owner of a piece of string that is 11km long (not actually 11km - just in accordance with the Melways). I made it myself!

I used it to find us a route to run that would make up 12km. Wanted to avoid major roads, thus avoiding the hecklers and honkers - they always do it so suddenly that it makes me jump which is embarrassing. I found a nice little route running beside a little river that I didn't even know existed until now! The route started at a park on Eley Rd, and took us across Station St and then diagonally towards Warrigal Rd, crossing Burwood Hwy, Highbury Rd and High Street Rd in the process. Turned around at Warrigal and came back.

The run was quite easy, probably because Katie and I had a great time chatting about all sorts of things along the way.

We stretched well afterward, but I still the legs might be sore tomorrow, which means I'm going to be killed during tomorrow's Running Group because we're doing sprint work.

Well, tonight it the last night of Daylight Saving. Looking forward to the extra hour's sleep! And also looking forward to the coming week... even though I will miss the daylight during the evening hours, at least it won't still look like midnight at 6:30-7:00am!

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