Friday, 23 March 2007

Another Gym Session

Final weights session for the week. I've managed three this week, 30-45 min in total each. Now just gotta get that to be four 30min sessions.

Today's session focussed on triceps, biceps, abs. I know I've mentioned before that I have weak biceps. That still applies. But I'm doing the EZ-bar curls with 2.5kg on (15.5kg total including bar) and can't even do 3 sets of 6 reps so maybe that'll encourage my motor neurons to develop and my biceps to grow a little. Heh heh... can you tell I've been learning stuff?

It was kinda cool to actually be able to see my arm muscles working. I have to admit - and I know most guys don't find buff girls attractive, but to have arms and shoulders like Michelle Bridges (the female trainer on The Biggest Loser) would be really cool.

Maybe when I've been in the industry for 25 years and working out as long as her I will.

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