Thursday 8 March 2007

How far have I gone?

One of these days I'll have saved up enough money to buy myself a flashy heart rate monitor complete with foot pod that measure my pace and distance. For now, I'll just say my pace was fairly moderate. I think my pace has improved over the last couple of weeks since picking the running back up - Run for the Kids in 4 weeks' time is certainly providing the motivation for me to keep up the training, particularly at a time in my life when I feel too busy to exercise.

Running route: my house to Burwood Hwy, left at hwy, left at Blackburn Rd, left at Eley Rd, right at Holland Rd, left at Fulton, left at Middleborough Rd, right at Eley Rd, left at Station St, left at Burwood Hwy all the way back to my house.

Distance: no idea, I think maybe 8-9km? I really need to measure it in the Melways.

Edit 15/03/07: The distance was actually 7.4km

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