Thursday 8 March 2007

New Weights Program

10:30am - met with Glen at the gym to get my new training program
I'm trying something new - rather than doing my weights program twice a week for over an hour each, I'm trying for 20-30 mins, 4 days a week. We'll see how this goes. Sometimes after a long day at work the idea of going to the gym for 1hr+ feels like a tiring prospect, whereas popping in for 30mins is much less daunting.

11:00am - 20 min resistance workout
  • incline sit-ups, 3 sets, 10 reps
  • s/b sit ups, feet against wall - 3 x 12reps
  • s/b ab reverses - 3 x 10 reps
  • calf raises, 10kg - 2 x10reps, 1 x 12 reps

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