Tuesday 20 March 2007

I don't feel ready for Run for the Kids

I've been so tired lately - feel like I'm always trying to catch up on my sleep. Probably doesn't help that most nights I am either returning home after class which ends around 9:30-10pm, which means most mornings I hit my alarm clock and sleep in instead of getting up for a run.

This Sunday marks the end of daylight saving, so there will be even less incentive as 6:00am gets darker and darker by the day as we approach winter.

*sigh* I miss the long daylights of summer already.

I had planned to go for a run this morning before work, and a weights session at the gym after work on my way home. Did neither. Didn't study either. Right now it's past 11pm and I'm still awake. Okay I'm going to bed - got another long day tomorrow... work all day followed by class after work til 10pm. I will try to get up for a run in the morning but not sure how that's going to go.

I don't feel at all ready for Run for the Kids at this point. Less than two weeks to go, and next week I'm supposed to be taking it easy to let the legs be as fresh as possible on 1 April, which means I only really have a week left to train hard.

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