Saturday 10 March 2007

Short Run

I was meant to go for another medium to long run this morning - desperately trying to get my kilometres up in time for 1st April. But I was tired from the last two days... plus I overslept half an hour and had to be at work by 9:30 today.

So instead I did a short one, took it easy. Have Running Group tomorrow anyway which includes a fitness test so maybe I should aim to have fresh-ish legs for a good result tomorrow.

Route: my house, away from Burwood Hwy across to Eley Rd, up Eley to Blackburn Rd, right at Blackburn, right at hwy, right at Holland, left at Eley, back to my house.

Good thing about the run - it included a couple of hills (which I will now nickname the Blackburn and Holland Hills). I am getting better at those hills, I remember the first time I ran up Blackburn Hill my lungs wanted to die... today was pretty good, but maybe I ran it too slow and that's why I felt no strain on the lungs. However, this time the legs were the limiting factor - might have something to do with the last two days' runs.

Thanks for the comments and encouragement both from Blogger and Multiply world. I may seem a little hardcore to you guys but it doesn't seem that way to me at all - I know I probably shouldn't compare myself to the train-twice-a-day community, but I do. Consider it an aspiration that I am working myself towards.

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