Friday 9 March 2007

Long(ish) Run

Trying to increase my distances in preparation for Run for the Kids on 1 April. However it doesn't help that I have no idea what distances I'm running because I still haven't gotten around to measuring them in a Melways.

Today's route: from my house toward Burwood Hwy, right at hwy, right at Middleborough Rd, right at Canterbury Rd, right at Blackburn Rd, right at Burwood Hwy, back to my house.

A nice big square. It took me just under 1 hr, given that it was a moderate to slow jog, I would say that was nowhere near 10km because I doubt I was even doing a pace of 6:00. But then again I could surprise myself.

I'll try measure the distance sometime this weekend and edit it into this post.

Edit 15/03/07: The distance was 7.5km

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fi, you put me to shame.Ah,come through on the fitness line.Very inspiring.Jovi

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