Thursday 22 March 2007

Weights Session

Today's session was good. Even though I am aiming for four 30min weights sessions per week, I guess that requires a gradual change from the old habit of two 60min sessions weekly. A 60min session stills feels like more of a session and less of a rush... however I am planning ahead.

An ideal workout week to me would look like morning runs, then work, then a weights session after work, stopping by the gym on the way home. I feel like I could manage 4 visits for 30min each, because 30mins seems less daunting and potentially tiring than 1hr at the gym after a long day at work.

I can't really be bothered writing down my weights lifted, sets and reps anymore. I'll just note down any noticeable improvements or increases in weight. Besides, I am actually writhing this post 2 days after the session so I can't remember all the details anymore.

Focus today was on legs (squats, 45 degree leg press), lats, and shoulders. Also a fair bit of ab work. Have upped weight on squats to 40kg (60kg in total including bar) which I seem to be handling fine.

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