Thursday, 3 May 2007

Habit, not Hassle

The ironic thing about keeping a TRAINING bLOG is that if one is busy training, one is likely to not have time to blog. I've probably been busy with neither - more inundated with trying to balance job, study and work experience.

I am probably only training only JUST enough to feel somewhat okay with the thought of running this half marathon (which I have already signed up and paid for so there's no turning back now).

All posts after 8 April are recaps that I am writing up only today. Will work backwards, and if I can't remember beyond a certain day I guess I'll just leave it.

Today I did my normal run. Started raining quite heavily at the halfway mark. I don't know whether this succeeded in speeding me up or if it only served to get me very wet. More than anything, I was concerned about getting my iPod wet!

As I type this, there is one thing about my lifestyle that I have only realized today. Exercise for me is no longer a hassle, it is now a habit. In the past a "bad exercise week" would mean no exercise, typically for at least 2 weeks in a row. Now, a "bad week" is considered only getting out 2-3 times.

I can't wait to be a fully registered PT so I can get alongside others and motivate them to build a healthy habit into their lifestyles.

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