Saturday, 21 April 2007

11-12km Run

This was the first of a series of Saturday morning long runs.

An explanation: when training for a race it is common practice to schedule one day a week to do a longer run than normal, and then gradually increase the distance run each week in preparation for a longer distance race.

So James and I have set aside Saturday mornings for the next 4 weeks for our longer training runs. The "half marathon" is just a little longer than a half at 23km, and takes place Sunday 20 May.

Today was supposed to help us ease into things. I don't know the exact distance we ran, which is why I estimated 11-12km. Next week I need to get up earlier and eat breakfast an hour before our run. Today I did it before breakfast... not a good idea as I was pretty hungry within the first 4-5km.

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